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how this all started

“I remember when I first started writing my book, I started typing because I was having a bad day and wanted to start managing those emotions, so I started writing and talking about how I got through it and thought, Hey, I have a lot of insight from my experiences, and I should start writing about them all and the things that happened to me and what I learned from them and how to”“deal with them. And from that day forward, I started telling people, “Hey, I think I started writing a book.” While I was nervous to tell people, scared I wouldn’t be taken seriously, surprisingly everyone was shocked and excited for me to begin this journey. Some were impressed, some were excited, some were happy for me, and some looked at me and said, “You’ve always wanted to do this and have always had a knack for writing.” As soon as I shared the news, I knew that I’d be supported on my journey of writing my book.”

My Story: About Me
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